This past Monday, Husband and I took a 5-minute stroll to a park near my parent’s house. When we reached the quaint yet open space, he took my hand and led me to an old, rusting iron swing shaded beneath a pecan tree. As I was settling into a comfortable spot, he pulled out his iPhone and opened an app I’d never heard of. Then, we proceeded to listen as a gentle-sounding man guided us through meditation.
It was the first time in years I recall intentionally meditating, allowing my mind to quiet surrounding sounds and hone in on one thought. At one point, my mind had no clear thought. I was overcome – mentally and physically – by the swaying of the swing, the cool, powerful gusts of wind and the beautiful song of unidentified birds. Meditating instilled a peace that was carried with me throughout the day. Sharing it with my husband strengthened the intimacy we share, giving breadth and depth to our physical bond.
Now, reflecting on the moment has forced me to ask, “How can I bring this peace with me wherever I go? How can I harness the power of my mind to remain positive and invoke positivity in the darkest of situations?“
One principle we learned early in our marriage is never to argue in our bedroom. Like many couples, we consider the bedroom our sacred place. It’s where we pray, rest, get dressed…where we made our children. We escape the worries of the day in this two-person sanctuary, and the choice to leave any hard feelings on the other side of its entryway helps maintain the harmony there.
Light can change the atmosphere in dark places.” -Jan Jansen
But what if I made an agreement, a promise of sorts, to leave any negative thoughts leftover from dreams or being suddenly awakened before the sound of my alarm at the front door? What happens when I carry over doubts, fears, insecurities, ill intent into the ‘real’ world? Of course, that negative mindset affects how I interact with others, how I respond when others greet or come in contact with me. Unlike magnets, that negative energy repels any opposing, positive energy. To attract light, one must be light, and that spark begins in the mind.
[bctt tweet=”To attract light, one must be light, and that spark begins in the mind.” username=”yourhandinmagic”]
In an effort to leave negativity at the door, Husband and I have resolved to spending just 10 minutes in meditation every morning. Before we leave our bedroom we relax, hold hands, and commit to focusing on gratitude and intent. Some times, the biggest changes result from taking the tiniest step.
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